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How to write an article that will ensure you appear on Google

How to write an article that will ensure you appear on Google The most important reason for most people to start blogging and create professional blogs and websites is to make money, and of course no blog will get profits without visitors, so in this article I will teach you how to write an SEO-friendly article In order to publish your articles to search engines, and thus you will get many visits, and therefore additional profits.

كيفية كتابة مقال متوافق مع السيو

In the following, my dears, I will teach you, God willing, 6 secrets to write an article that Google loves, fully compatible with the conditions of SEO.

  • Include the keyword in your website link

Search spiders are very interested in links, my brother, so in order to understand the content of what you offer, I advise you to use the keyword with the link to the article, to make it easier for them to discover the content. Of course, for WordPress users, writing the article link in Arabic or English is easy, as it allows you to formulate it easily. You can never write titles in Arabic, so I advise translating them into English and writing them and not leaving them on the old format BlogPost Tip: Do not make your article links long, as this will harm it in the ranking of search engines

  • Write a title that contains the keyword and is friendly to search engines
Yes, as I said, writing a professional title is the first secret to publish your article. The title is the one that expresses the content, which will provide an idea for Google spiders about the content of your article, so make sure that the target keyword is in the beginning of the title, also try not to exceed the number of words 65 characters until it appears fully In search engines, this will make people understand the content of your article and thus choose the result that contains your site. As an additional advice from me to you my brothers, also try to put some symbols in the title, as this will encourage people to discover your article and will help it later in promoting the results.
  • Professional description for your keywords
One of the most important conditions Writing an article that is compatible with SEO. I would like the target keyword that you want to top it with in the description of your article and here, according to my experience, it is preferable to be at the beginning of the description with the addition of an additional word synonymous with it in the description of the article. Here, you must not forget that the description of your article should not be less than 50 words and not exceed 160 words (if you blog on Blogger, you will notice that you cannot exceed 150 words).
  • Writing an SEO friendly article The length of the article is an important factor in leading the search engines, especially Google, as it has exceeded the time to write articles with 300 and 500 words, according to the latest statistics, most of the good articles are those that have more than 1900 words.

كيفية كتابة مقال متوافق مع السيو

  • How to write an SEO friendly article
As for the length here, of course, we mean rich content and not stuffing the content, as this will give an opposite result to your article.
  • Write the keyword in the first paragraph
Google search spiders use artificial intelligence to understand the content of your article and where you rank it, so you must write the target keyword at least once in the first paragraph of the article.
  • Write an article that includes the words related to the target keyword One of the most important conditions for writing an article compatible with SEO is to include words that are synonymous and similar to the target keyword or what is called in English Related Keywords Here, of course, it is not easy to discover all the words that are related to the keyword, but one of the easiest ways that beginners use is the words that Google adds


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