Achieving the conditions of YouTube 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours in an easy way


How to achieve the conditions of YouTube 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours the fastest time There will be great results and you will be on YouTube, and you will definitely be on good terms.

First: the content The content, my dear brother, is primarily responsible for the success of your YouTube channel, and it is the king at that stage. You should be working on good content and you should be fully aware of your own content, which you will display on your account. And before you start your journey on your chosen content, you must first make sure of some important points that we will summarize in the following. Is the content you have chosen very popular and you have followers and interests that you are looking for? Does it contain endless topics in which you can continue to provide content for the long term Does this content educate the visitor and increase his information? You can answer these questions in a very easy way, by entering the YouTube platform and searching for your chosen content, and you will see the results by entering the videos that appear in the search results. You should focus on the number of viewers, the number of subscribers, the number of likes and comments, more than one channel should be reviewed to be sure. Your content is good and popular. When you choose content that meets the previous conditions, it is natural that the number of your followers will be large, because it is very popular and thus increases the percentage of views, which speeds up the achievement of the desired goals. Second, credibility One of the most important points that you should focus on when providing certain content, my dear brother, is that you must be 100% sure that the information provided is correct and free from defects or errors, because it is normal for anyone to enter your content. Experiment with your interpretations and find errors in them This makes you lose a lot of visitors. The potential of your channel and its drawbacks, my dear brother, before publishing any topic, you should try it yourself and make sure it is correct as I do on my YouTube channel. Third: the address It is also one of the most important main points that have a magical effect on the success of your channel, as the title, my dear brother, is a means of communication between the visitor and the content of your channel. Therefore, you should pay attention to the content titles, which should express the content of the content in simple and attractive words. And you should completely avoid fake titles that aim to attract the visitor and take away from the context of the content, as this method will inevitably lead to the loss of your channel. Fourth, the thumbnail When a visitor on YouTube searches for content, the first thing that catches his eye is the video thumbnail, so it is one of the most important means of attracting visitors to watch your video. Therefore, you should focus and pay attention to the thumbnail and choose the colors that attract the eye, because this will bring you a lot of views and therefore a lot of subscribers. Fifthly: descriptive tags It is also one of the most important points in the subject. We've contacted the content king. We can say that she is the queen because of her great influence on your channel. Meta tags are where important keywords are placed, which is one of the fundamentals of YouTube SEO. It's one of the tools that makes the video pop up

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