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Profit from the intranet

Profit from the intranet

Profiting from the Internet, or making money from the Internet, has become a common term in recent years, as we at least have a friend or a close person who works in the Internet, which indicates that now many people have changed or made the Internet a source of livelihood for them.

What makes many people want to make profits from the Internet are the benefits of that, that is, the Internet does not require any obstacles or previous experience from you, you only need a computer connected to the Internet, so that you too can start making money from it.

In English, it is called Make Money Online, meaning making money from the Internet, but in our Arab world the name “profit from the Internet” has spread, as if it were a lottery or luck, but in reality it requires effort and work, and not just profit, this is A point I just wanted to point out.

If you are confused and do not know what field you can follow to earn money from the Internet, we are here to help you and guide you, as we will provide you with exclusive methods with instructional videos that explain each method separately.

1. Profit through Claim Local Business documentation

Perhaps you have never heard of this field before, and this is due to the fact that few people know about this field, and very few people talk about it even in foreign content, not because it is not profitable, but it remains a different field from the fields that we hear about. About it now. When we explained the field of domain trading, many people thought it was an unprofitable field because they had never heard of it before, but when some followers began to achieve results from it, many people became aware of the strength of this field.

In general, what is local business documentation? What is meant by this is confirming the information of the company or business on business or business listing websites, such as Google Map, Yelp, Yellowpages, which will help this business, reserve a place on the Internet, and also rank in the search engines, which will bring a lot to the business owner. From customers and profits. How can we profit from this?

Simply by communicating with company owners, telling them about the advantages of the matter, and many details in this practical explanation below

2. Profit from bringing advertisers to owners of channels and websites through Drop Advertising

Most of you know what drop shipping is and know its secrets, and a large percentage also know about drop servicing, but have you ever heard of drop advertising? Drop Advertising

Frankly, I searched for this term in Arabic explanations and did not find any source for this. I also searched for this matter in foreign content and found actually a small number of people talking about the matter, and frankly I do not know the reason? Is it because the idea is new and innovative, or is it not known to everyone?

In general, we are here to explain this to you. What is meant by Drop Advertising is to bring companies and advertising sites to YouTube channel owners, as well as website owners. How is that?

Many YouTube channel owners believe that the only source of profit from YouTube is activating income through Google AdSense, or YouTube ads, but in reality it is possible to profit from YouTube through companies advertising or supporting the channel. Recently, we have begun to see YouTubers displaying advertisements for websites and applications within the video. This is exactly what we will discuss in this method. More details in the video below:

3. Profit from YouTube without activating income

YouTube is considered one of the most famous sites on the Internet, as it ranks second to the most visited sites after the search engine Google, and the number of visitors to the site reaches more than 33 billion visitors per month, which is a very large number, which makes many companies search for placing their advertisements. And attract visitors and customers to its site.

As is known to many, making a profit from YouTube now requires some conditions, such as 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours.

But the method that we will explain to you does not depend on making a profit from YouTube ads, meaning that you do not need to have an active channel, nor do you need a large number of subscribers.

The method depends on profit from bringing advertisers and famous people to your channel, and you may have noticed recently that many YouTubers have begun to adopt this method, and the Mr KEHEL channel is an example of this, as our channel has a partnership with 3 companies that advertise and support the channel.

Of course, there are some conditions that must be met by your channel before you think about contacting advertisers, and perhaps the most important condition is the quality of the content that you provide, in addition to the specialization of your channel, as it is preferable that your channel be specialized in a specific field and not have diverse content.

As I told you before, you are not obligated to get a lot of subscribers, such as 5 or 10 thousand subscribers, as Mr. Kohl channel got the first advertising company, with only two thousand subscribers.

Also, our method depends on convincing companies of the opportunities that exist in the Arab world, meaning that even if your channel contains Arabic content, there is no problem with that. It is enough to follow the video below to learn about the ways to convince companies and other important details:

4. Profit from selling courses without prior experience

One of the most preferred strategies for making money through what is called passive income is the method of selling courses or courses on the Internet.

You may see that creating an online course requires experience, and indeed, creating a course requires experience, but as you see in the title, you will not need prior experience.

This means that even if you do not have any experience in any field, such as programming, design, or even playing the piano, you can analyze the required courses on the Internet, learn via YouTube, and try to create courses based on this.

Of course, you may find it a little strange, but let me explain to you more.

For example, can you create a course on how to take care of cats? It may seem to you that the idea of the course is not good and that no one will buy it, but the statistics on the Udemy website tell the opposite, as there is a course that has received more than 2,800 sales, and this is a very large number, and it returns to the owner of the course with large profits.

If you're more interested in making a profit, you should

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